Observations of Obedience to Authority: how Phantom Law Rules works today to change board voting!

February 22, 2013

“A people are free in proportion as they form their own opinions.”
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(1772-1834) English poet, critic, and philosopher

“Limiting the freedom of news ‘just a little bit’ is in the same
category within the classic example ‘a little bit pregnant’.”
— Robert A. Heinlein
(1907-1988) American writer

Those who control local media have the right to print and say their own views on most subjects. But, sometimes, all dissenting views never get out before the public. Any attempted to control information and interpretations, by silence, in not allowing and/or ignoring a dissenting opinion into full public view is tyrannical and despotic. Such is against the principles of our founding fathers who wanted open freedom of expression of ideas, comments and opinions. The Internet has now brought a new venue for more exposure of dissenting expressions on any issue.

On February 18th evening I attended the local Perryton ISD school board meeting to witness, first hand, the issue of allowing prayer at school sponsored events to be revisited from last month. The outcome was no surprise, except for their unnecessary and unlawful “executive session” with a lawyer (a presumed authority), for the outcome of this resurrected re-decision. It appears that last January 22nd vote was derailed by some threats of people resigning on the spot. Elected official should have said, “So be it.” It was a unanimous in favor of the motion on prayer in January. Now the hirelings apparently have full and unquestionable controlling powers. “I want my way or else, I quit.” It was a true paradigm of how our own county is experiencing phantom law rules first hand. For the most part, the board and our hirelings were influenced by fear, doubt and ignorance of accepting real de jure (lawful) law in their own consciences.

It appears that, for some, the god of government rule has replaced our Creator of the universe and His principles. When folks elected to serve in a position of trust for this community do/did, in fact, succumb and surrender their own ideas and faiths, to an illusion, created by supposed “authority”, then why even bother to have elections? Just appoint “yes” people to the board which can be run by hirelings of presumed “authority” and it will all be alright. If elected people are trained, by Austin, to obey the so-called “authority” of the State of Texas and federal and not their own consciences, then all moral, religious and personal convictions are traded away. Being afraid of standing up for what is right, apparently is no longer an option without seeking “authority’s” permission.

There was no lawful reason for a forty-five minute executive session on this public issue. This client, PISD, is public entity and not a person. Were they or the lawyer afraid of what question(s) they might have been asked or what might have been discussed? Public input was nonexistent. Why the secrecy? Why are “inside” (executive session) discussions being hidden from the public ears?

During the public board re-discussion before the vote, there were absolutely no valid arguments presented that should have prevailed to change the vote from last month’s 7-0 in favor of the motion to this month’s defeat vote of 1-5. It is an amazement of how “what ifs”; “maybe this will happen or that” and all the etceteras’ that must have been presented to the board in the closed session, truly influenced the new down vote. Obedience to the superstition of “authority” won out just like it did when Hitler demanded blind submission to his presumed “authority.”

A statement was made that the Supreme Court has ruled and it cannot be changed, except by another Supreme Court decision. What? Is the Supreme Court now some kind-of dictator for all human opinions and so-called laws? I think not! If that premise is true, then we have no need for lawyers and independent school boards. Maybe we need a law suit filed, here, locally to advance and start the ball rolling to challenge this authority for the down vote to a positive up position rather than always allowing the negative insider fears to prevail. Did not the lawyer cost the district some money for this advice?

But, the reason given for some board members changing their vote and voting the way they did was one of fiduciary concerns that it “could” cost the district a lot of money. Now apparently money or the lack thereof, is another rule of law in this land. Might is now right because of cost. Where was the board’s faith? Is it in the Creator of the universe in charge or is it the pocket book? Jesus said in Matthew 8:13 – “as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.” Has the vote, and belief in the Creator, now been so watered down that belief has gone out the door for the sake of money, fear and ignorance. Do lawyers have only to speak of fear and our own opinions are compromised to such supposed “authority?” Is the Creator’s authority so puny?

The verse Matthew 22:21 was mention as one reason for changing a vote. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” First of all we do not live in a government where a Caesar, a tyrant, rules, nor do we? This is supposed to be a representative Republic where Christian and moral principles prevail and not the dictates of a man made “Caesar.”

Also, as Roman’s 13 was mentioned and the fact pointed out that we all have to submit to all civil authority. Roman’s 13 is an invalid argument and its misinterpretation is most always brought up for any issue that the “authority” does not want anyone to speak against or stands up to it. If the old law that the movie “Braveheart” which has for its starting premise, which is set in the old middle age custom of Jus Primae Noctis (Law of the First Night) what would you do? It was the old medieval custom when the king claimed the right to sleep with a subject’s bride on the first night of their marriage. Would our sincere Christian brethren sheepishly say, “Romans Chapter 13 says we must submit to the government”? Really, would you agree to such? Would any of us respect any man who would submit to such a phantom law and let it rule over us?
Did all of these Bible greats not violate God’s principle of submission to authority? Moses, he killed the Egyptian taskmaster to defend his people; Elijah, when he challenged Ahab and Jezebel; David, when he refused to surrender to Saul’s troops? What about Daniel, when he disobeyed the king’s law to not pray audibly to his God; and the three Hebrew children when they refused to bow to the image of the state? What about John the Baptist’s violating God’s principle of submission to authority when he publicly scolded King Herod for his infidelity? What about Peter and the other Apostles, who did violate God’s principle of submission to “authority” when they refused to stop preaching on the streets of Jerusalem? What about St. Paul and all the times he stood up? What about all the Apostles, except John’s, defiance of those “civil authorities” who imprisoned, tortured, or killed them for refusing to submit to their various laws and prohibitions? Did all these martyrs for Christ violate God’s principle of submission to authority? All the Old Testaments and New Testament greats understood that human authority, including civil authority is limited.
It is also very interesting that some 95% of the 14,000 evangelical churches that were in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power were brought about by submission to the espoused “authority” and the same identical misinterpretation of Romans 13. It appears that most of the majority of folks today (most likely at least 95%) of the some 300,000 evangelical churches in America today have abandoned Christian principles.

The Highest law is that of the Creator, not some man invented “authority.” Folks are conned into bowing down to the false impressions of supposed “authority” and its false concepts which are mere fictions of law or pure illusions. These are really and truly phantom laws that seem to rule all forms of government today. Such government’s feast on bluff, fear, ignorance and claimed usurped authority. Whatever happened to “local control” and independent local thinking?

Are these Scriptures of Jesus to be considered more valid by believing Christians? Like: Matthew 21: 22 — “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Apparently saying a prayer at school events is not included in the “all things!” Jesus also said in Mark 9:23 — “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Again, the one all Christians follow, Christ, apparently did not really mean “all things” to include prayer at local school events? Matthew 17:19-21 “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?” And Jesus said unto them, “Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”

On the prayer issue, common sense as been thrown to the wind in the name of obedience to a concept of supposed “authority” that is interpreted as “law.” It is NOT real law; it is a mere regulation, at best. It is a prime example of phantom law that rules via misinformation concerning the fiction of supposed law via illusion, trickery, twisted, corrupted, deceitful, and deception of ruling authoritative powers demanding obedience thereto. The school board has ruled on a supposed authority who says the standing of a so-called Supreme Court ruling that makes it so. Then, misapplied Scripture interpretations soothes their consciences to accept the phantom law rule’s decision that night, something that all local folks are to believe and follow, without any more questions because of the fact that “it’s now the law.”

We need to remember the words of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799): “The most dangerous untruths are truths moderately distorted.” And, St. Paul’s words: Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

We are all faced with the dilemma of obedience to authority, whether it is in civil government or the Creator’s laws and principles. The structure of society is that some obedience is the price we pay as part of living in a community; but the evolvement of the idea that somehow “government knows” best in all things is totally wrong. Why do you buckle-up is a prime example. Does the “government” really care about “saving” your life? I think not! Except they want you alive so you can pay more and more money to them. Can risk be eliminated by government dictates or edicts?

So, should we be able to have school sponsored prayer time before school events? The answer is YES. Because, it was first voted on January 22nd to allow public prayer before school sponsored events by a 7-0 vote. What changed that night? Fear and intimidation became involved. If it can be changed so easy to the negative, then, at anytime it can be changed back to the positive, to allow prayer before school sponsored events.

The likes of atheist activist Madalyn Murray O’hair with her vocal and active push, took her actions to the extreme of instilling fear in the minds of most folks when court is mentioned. That was 50 years ago, the year I graduated from PHS. If we claim to be Christ’s followers and do not challenge and demand elected officials to take a stand against such phantom laws that seem to rule by de facto (not lawful) rules, we fall tragically short of our active Christian elements of faith, will we not fail our children and grandchildren? We will be instilling in them a lack courage, stamina and persistence. This battle may have been lost, but the war against or allowing public prayer, or any issue that goes against the higher law of the Creator, has just begun….

Troy Duwayne, Barclay

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Prayer before local school events


The below signed letter was hand delivered, my me, to the Perryton Herald newspaper office on January 25, 2013. As of today’s date, for whatever reason February 2, 2013 it has not been printed. I believe in letting folks make up their own mind, even if that mind-set is different from mine. But, I also believe that folks should be given both sides of an issue before they make upon their mind. As a Christian, I am very passionate about fairness, justice, and all facts being laid out on the table. America is suffering because of one-sided views being crammed down our throats. Phantom laws are being passed as real law, when in fact such is merely administrative regulations.

January 25, 2013

Dear Editor,

Two articles in your paper of January 24th caught my attention, “Prayer at events emotional issue for school board” and “Texas Leave? No!” I would like to comment on each separately. Both deal with the religion called “government and its authority” in which one’s faith is mistakenly placed.

First of all, I want to commend the school board for its courage and eagerness to harness government of its purported tyrannical authoritative controls. Someday such brazen authority will have to be curtailed by such folks as these local board members.

It appears that if anything is done in the name of a centralized government’s authority, then we as the “sheep” of the pasture are to follow, no questions asked. We are to follow out of fear and ignorance. We are not to question government’s authority. Are we to bow to the god of government rather than the Creator of the universe?

In the “Prayer” news article terms like the “United States Supreme Court,” “illegal,” “legal,” “legally,” “legal counsel” and “the law” are dispersed in said article. But the term “lawful” is blatantly absent.

The United States Supreme Court does not and cannot MAKE law according to the Constitution of the united States of America. Law making is not its job. Never has been. But it does seem to create a make believe “form of  law” or a better term is “phantom law” that keeps all the sheep chasing and bowing down to its decisions. All any court can do is rule on the individual case before it. If the Supreme Court ruling mentioned allured to the case that involved the separation of church and state, such is also not in the Constitution of the united States of America. That separation statement came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a minister. Again a mere phantom to chase for the folks whose religion is the government in which they have placed their faith to blindly follow its purported “authority.”

As of this month, the 40th anniversary of a purported law, fifty-five million babies have been aborted or murdered in that time frame from a purported Supreme Court ruling that is pure and simply phantom law rules, which is not, nor can it be, substantive law in any form or fashion.

The terms “lawful” and “legal” have very different meanings. From a law dictionary “Lawful contemplates the substance of law. Legal alludes to the form of law. A lawful act is authorized, sanctioned, or not forbidden by law. A legal act is performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. In this sense, illegal approaches the meaning of invalid.”

“The term lawful more clearly suggests an ethical content than does the word legal. The latter merely denotes compliance with technical or formal rules, whereas the former usually signifies a moral substance or ethical permissibility. An additional distinction is that the word legal is used as the synonym of constructive, while lawful is not.”

Most of the time all one has to do is follow the money. WashingtonD.C., as the centralized powerful government, dictates to the States what they can and cannot do or they withhold their money, so the State dictates to the districts or it will cut off all monies to such districts. All this sounds much like a “form of law,” that operates via a form of blackmail. But it is not real law. It is phantom law. Was blackmail used in Monday night’s session?

Do we need to pray for guidance from the god of government or from the God of the universe?

It appears that it would be awfully hard for a Christian to have more faith in government than he/she should have in Christ. And, sad to say, some Christian folks do that very thing.

Second, it is true that the government today does not follow the Founding Fathers values. Jon Carson’s statement is typical of the governmental “authority” position. The “sheep” are not to question such “authority.”

History has much to say about the term “perpetual union.” The Civil War should be called “Lincoln’s War.” Lincoln was a tyrant,  a tricky and cruel one. Lincoln wanted a purely perpetual “centralized government,” with him in control. In all his 28 years in the political arena he abhorred constitutions.

The term “perpetual” is nowhere to in the Constitution of the united States of America for a reason. The Founding Fathers believed that any State could leave when it wanted to.

This is what Lincoln’s War was all about. The South was the producer of most of the money for the Union and he (Lincoln) did not want them to leave because of that fact. Contrary to what most believe the true Lincoln was a true scoundrel and history attests to that fact.

Lincoln’s War was fought over the right to secede, not slavery. True history is being corrupted to make the young believe that “government” is the final authority for anything. So, “authority” wants us to believe that it is the final word on what the sheep can do and follow.

In the common law highest form of government is the local county governments. Not the state  of Texas or WashingtonD.C. They are supposed to be our servants, not our masters. Most of the time local elected officials are sent to Austin and they are indoctrinated with what the state tell them they can do and not do. Austin is indoctrinated by WashingtonD.C. with purse strings of control. We are not a free people if we have to ask for permission, via the advice of legal counsel or whatever. All that says is that we, the local folks, do not know how to handle our own affairs or authority. We should always ask ourselves, “What constitutes “the law” and is it “legal” or is it “lawful?”

For Freedom and Liberty,

Troy Duwayne, Barclay


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What’s Next

Hi all,
This kind of behavior (below) fly’s in the face of all nature is brought to us by the purported 14th amendment to the united States Constitution. What is next? It will be somebody wanting marry their cat or dog or horse or whatever and you cannot discriminate against anyone via that so-called amendment that was never lawfully ratified. Such nonsense is destroying the Republic we were bequeathed. This is the Phantom Law Rules we have to struggle with today.

From : TheUnrepentantPatriots@yahoogroups.com
MSN Today News
Marine makes first same-sex marriage proposal in the White House

The American Military Partner Association
U.S. Marine Corps captain Matthew Phelps gets down on one knee to propose to partner Ben Schock on Saturday night in the first same-sex marriage proposal at the White House.
By Scott Stump, TODAY contributor
U.S. Marine Corps captain Matthew Phelps asked, and his partner Ben Schock said yes.
On Saturday night, Phelps was photographed getting down on one knee in what is believed to be the first same-sex marriage proposal ever made in the White House. The couple’s engagement came 14 months after the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell’’ policy officially ended, and the joyful photo was quickly passed around on social media shortly after it was posted online by the American Military Partner Association. The proposal occurred while Phelps and Schock were taking a Christmas tour of the White House together.
“Such a special night surrounded by wonderful people in an amazing place, and the best is still yet to come,” Phelps wrote on his Facebook page. “Thanks for all the wonderful greetings and messages, and thanks to Barack Obama and Michelle Obama for lending us your home for the occasion!”
“Such a wonderful night for us, and it’s received so much attention on Facebook!’’ Phelps also wrote on his blog. “Really, the only thing on my mind was making it a memorable and unforgettable night for Ben. Thank you all for the well wishes!!”
Phelps, who came out publicly at the Pentagon last year, has spoken publicly about the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy,” giving lectures and writing several posts about it on his blog including one on what the end of the policy meant to him.
“I have served my country for almost 10 years without so much as a peep about my social life,” he wrote. “Indeed, I haven’t had much of a social life because of this . It’s my turn to live my life as openly as I want. If people have a problem with it, that’s exactly what it is: their problem. I love being gay because I came to accept it through years of struggle and introspection and self-discovery. It is a big part of who I am because in accepting the fact that I was gay, I came to know myself better and become the man I am today.”

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Phantom Law Rules

My new book just released this week!!! Just Google it to see it. Below is what is on the back cover.

Meet the Author
Troy D. Barclay was born in the small Texas panhandle town of Perryton in 1943. He graduated from Perryton High School in 1962, attended West Texas State University, and graduated from Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1973. Eleven years later, in 1984, he received a doctor of common law degree from the Universal Life University School of Common Law correspondence program in Modesto, California. He is involved in numerous court battles in an attempt to restore America to organic law under the Republic.

Book Overview

Why do you obey the speed limit? Why do you have a Social Security number? Why do you send your children to school? Most people would answer these questions with the statement, “It’s the law.” But is it really the law?
Phantom Law Rules examines today’s legal system in America in relation to what the legal system looked like when our founding fathers established our country. You may be surprised to see how different they are and how our current legal system has morphed over the years.
Although we live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” our freedoms and rights are being slowly stripped away from the citizenry of the United States of America.
Knowledge is power. Read Phantom Law Rules and expand your knowledge about American history, the current legal system, and what can be done to preserve our freedoms.

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